Hello all...it's rainbow time!

Please and thank you for donating lickety split to support me in the upcoming Maine Tri for Cure.  I greatly appreciate any contribution (none is too small) for this last week of fundraising.  Soon, I will swim, bike, run, and raise funds for a good cause--to reduce any and all kinds of cancer.  This will be my seventh year doing the Tri (fourth virtual).  I keep doing the Tri to honor and remember all the people in my life, friends, family, loved ones and patients for whom I have cared who have had cancer. This year I will be out there with all my heart.   Please know your support is like a rainbow - it is energizing, uplifting, and spurs me on.

Please consider contributing as a way for you to honor and remember your loved ones, friends, family, neighbors and those in your community affected by cancer.   

I am remembering:  Beth Hodgkins, Dan Sullivan, Mary Conway, Kathy Flueck, Chief Dave Chisholm, Mary Pugh, Lorraine Stanfield, Wayne Kenerson, Eric Thomas, Cynthia Cartwright, Vicki Newell, Cathy Skeirik, Deborah Kinney, Dr Kathleen Bennett, Tina Brown, John Surrett, Prof William McNary, Jeanne Harney McCormick, Catherine Dufford Paulu, Helen Strong, Sue Brown, Marcy Dunn, Marsha Newick, Mary Crocket Hill, Roxanne Gregory, and Cynthia Pernice.

I am honoring: Melanie Almeder, Mary Harney, Rosemary Chi, Priscilla Coughlin, Charles Gregory, Debbie Boroyan, Bob Trowbridge, Grant Pennoyer, Judiann Smith, Aisling Bastible, Nancy Ansheles, Rhonda Birkbeck, Farah del Pilar, Laurie Dows, Donna Morong, Dori Ostermiller, Dave Seder, my friend Frank and especially right now Debbie Debiegun. 

Please know the Maine Cancer Foundation is committed to reducing cancer incidence and mortality rates in Maine. 100% of funds raised are used to benefit people seeking screening and treatment for cancer. 

Thank you and wish me luck,

