Support me in the fight against cancer!

As many of your know, I am the Founder and Race Director of the Tri for a Cure.  It has been an honor to lead this inspirational and successful event over the last 17 years.  

What started as a way to get more information about my mothers diagnosis when she heard the words "you have cancer" in 1999, to my cancer diagnosis in 2003 - this outreach shows the power of passion and all that can be accomplished with a village behind you. Unfortunately my mom lost her battle with lung cancer in 2014 - so the fight will continue until we find more answers.

I am proud that I am able to participate virtually in the 17th Annual Maine Cancer Foundation Tri for a Cure. Maine Cancer Foundation is committed to reducing cancer incidence and mortality rates in Maine, with 100% of funds raised by the Foundation used to benefit the people of Maine. 

The time has come for me to step away from the day to day management of the race. 2024 will be my last year at the helm of the event - but the show will still go on, and I hope to still be there in some way to be part of this amazing community.

Help me celebrate 17 years with Tri for a Cure, and 20 years since I have been cancer free!  The journey has been surreal and I am honored that so many have supported this endeavor over the years.  Raising over $22,000,000 to date, has allowed Maine Cancer Foundation to do its magic with helping people with cancer in Maine one the last 17 years has been a dream come true.  

I really am putting myself out there this year to raise $1,000 for each year I have been part of this event.  $17,000 is an ambitious goal and I hope you will support me in getting there.

Thank you for your amazing support - so many of you have supported me by volunteering, donating and working with me over the last 17 years and I "Thank You" from the bottom of my heart.

Every dollar counts! With your support, we can make a difference! 
