Thank you for supporting me in the fight against cancer!

This year I am participating in the 17th Annual Maine Cancer Foundation Tri for a Cure. On July 14th, I will join the strongest, most passionate, determined, and incredibly kind group of women at this event.  I am so proud and honored to participate with all of them. We will swim, bike, and run with the hope that our fundraising efforts will bring MCF's goal of helping to find a cure for cancer that much closer to reality.

Every year I sit down to gather my thoughts on what I can say about joining this year's TRI. Two things always hit me deeply. First, that I am blessed and lucky to be a (19 year) cancer SURVIVOR. In 2005 at the age of 35 I was diagnosed with the aggressive Triple Negative form of breast cancer. I was a wife and mom of two little boys (ages 4 & 5). Surgery & chemo were the hardest things I have ever done. So, as I get older, when my knees ache and the TRI approaches, I now ask myself, "can I really do this?", Hell yes I can do a Triathlon! I only have to think back to when I was so sick and couldn't even read a bed time story to my sons. Second, sadly, every year this is more heartbreaking because we all know people that have recently lost their battle with cancer or have been diagnosed with this horrible disease.                                              EVERY. DAMN. YEAR.

Someday, it would be amazing to not have to ask for donations to help find the cure for cancer, but that day is not here yet.  Until then, this is how I choose to honor all those that we have lost to this relentless disease and to support those that are fighting the good fight. 

Maine Cancer Foundation is committed to reducing cancer incidence and mortality rates in Maine, with 100% of funds raised by the Foundation used to benefit the people of Maine. MCF leads a statewide effort to foster and grow the most promising and effective cancer-fighting efforts available to the people of Maine through a combination of grant-based financial support and coalition building. 

I am asking for your support so that all these amazing cancer fighting efforts will continue. Your support, no matter how big or how small, will continue to make a difference.

From the bottom of my heart & soul, I thank you for joining me in the fight against cancer! 


