This year we’ll be participating in the 17th Annual Maine Cancer Foundation Tri for a Cure. As most of you know, Betsey has participated in the Tri For A Cure since its inception. Seventeen years ago when Betsey joined the first Tri For a Cure, Gail Darlington had passed away from blood cancer. The Tri For A Cure (an all women’s event) seemed like a great opportunity to recognize Gail on her birthday July 12 and raise money for the Maine Cancer Foundation. After the first couple of years,  Betsey switched to a team relay, which certainly simplified training!  Gail Force Winds was an awesome team name!  Beth Franklin has been the swimmer for a number of years and Betsey has biked and run. The past several years Betsey’s knees have been saying no running!  This year Beth and Betsey are going to complete the tri virtually. Beth will be swimming, Betsey will be biking and then walking the 5K! We need to complete the virtual Tri between July 14 and 24. Would anybody like to join Beth for a swim in Mussel Cove? How about joining Betsey for a 15 mile bike ride to Cousins Island and back to Laurel Lane?  Or a 5K walk around Baxter Boulevard? 



Team Members