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Willy Reddick

2024 Tri for a Cure LIVE

Support Me

A New Year and an Exciting Challenge!

Thank you for visiting my page.

I can’t believe I’m doing this! After some coaxing from my inspiring friend Dorothy, I have registered and am now committed to this amazing fundraising event, the 17th Annual Maine Cancer Foundation Tri for a CureYes, it is a triathlon, with a 1/3 of a mile swim, a 15 mile bike ride, and a 3 mile run. I’ve done rowing races, but I have never done anything like this!

I am looking forward to competing with over 1300 brave, strong, supportive women in South Portland on Sunday July 14th, 2024. We will raise money for the Maine Cancer Foundation, with 100% of funds raised from the event used to benefit the people of Maine. I’m hoping that you will join me by contributing to help fund programs to reduce cancer incidence and mortality rates in Maine.

Please donate if you are able. Just click the pink support me button. If you’d also like to support my intrepid friend Dorothy, a.k.a. Lucky Platt, you can read her story and contribute here.


My story and motivation...

We all have family or friends that have been touched by cancer.  In March of 2021, after a colonoscopy, I myself received a shocking diagnosis of advanced rectal cancer. There was a large tumor and several lymph nodes that would need to be surgically removed. Within weeks I was placed on a  21 week course of chemotherapy, along with 5 ½ weeks of radiation. It was fortunate that I was able to have treatment, surgery and top notch compassionate care right here in Maine, in Belfast and Brewer. Then, just two weeks after I finished radiation, in mid October, my dear brother Al was diagnosed with a different type of cancer that was very advanced, and he died just 6 days later. How could this be? Both of us were living healthy lives, but with these insidious cancers inside of us.

Thankfully, I responded well to the treatments, and after a 7 hour surgery in November that left me with a colostomy, I was declared free of disease. I was grateful for the news of course, but still I was afraid that my life would be changed forever in ways that would stop me from living my life the way I wanted to. My wonderful surgeon assured me that I would eventually eat my usual diet, be able to still row our dory with my husband, swim in the ocean, ride my bike, walk the harborwalk with friends and live life as I had before. After a lengthy recovery, though still dealing with the deep grief for my brother, I am indeed now living a fulfilling and healthy life.

I am dedicating this race to my brother Al. He was my only brother, two years older than me. I had a deep and abiding love for him and really looked up to him. He took risks and tried new things, I was not so brave. He always encouraged me to do things and supported me in whatever I did, and I know he would be proud of me for taking on something as challenging as a triathlon.

If you find yourself in South Portland on that (hopefully sunny) morning, come by and cheer us on.

Let the training begin!

With love and gratitude,


                                 Al and Willy 1960

Every dollar counts! With your support, we can make a difference! Cancer tries but we TRI harder!
