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Amanda Schweizer

2024 Tri for a Cure LIVE

Support Me

Support me in the fight against cancer!

It's hard to believe that this year marks my 6th year as a breast cancer survivor. It somehow seems like both forever ago and yesterday. I continue to deal with the side effects from my treatments and still have lots of appointments (3 just last week) even 6 years later. Thankfully, I continue to be in good health and am so grateful for my incredible medical team and the support from friends and family.

This one is for Heather <3

The Tri For A Cure is an incredible event that I look forward to every year. It is so empowering to be surrounded by so many women impacted by cancer. Two years ago, I met (IRL) a fellow breast cancer survivor, Heather, through the Tri For A Cure events after being a part of the same online support group (Tatas and Tapas) for some time. Heather was a magnetic and incredibly selfless person, always checking in on me (and everyone else!) despite her own failing health. Unfortunately, Heather passed away last year 2 months after completing the Tri for a Cure with her 2 loving sisters. Heather taught me so much through the way she lived and I am so honored and grateful to have been her friend. I am looking forward to seeing Heather's sisters and family at the finish line on race day <3

Pic of Heather and me before the 2023 Tri for a Cure <3Please consider donating to my campaign!

100% of funds raised for the Maine Cancer Foundation are used to benefit the people of Maine who are impacted by cancer. 

Thank you!!!

Love, Amanda

