Hello to My Loyal TRI Supporters!
Yes it is me...back for the 17th time since we started the Tri for a Cure in 2008! AMAZING! And equally amazing is 2024 is the 25th anniversary of being diagnosed with breast cancer cancer!
So, this year my 2024 Tri for a Cure fundraising goal is NOW $30,000... Normally my goal is $1,000 for each year we have held the Tri, which would be $17,000...but this year, my goal is to BEAT last year's actual total of $21,750 AND raise $1000 for each year I have SURVIVED CANCER...PLUS we really need it for Maine Cancer Foundation...so I have upped my goal to $30,000! Thanks to you, I have made my goal each and every year...but I will need your help BIG time this year!
Oh and did I mention...that the Tri is in 3 days.....and the fundraising deadline is TODAY, Thursday, July 11th at 5pm. So not sure how this is going to work, but I need all the support I can get to make this year's goal a reality! Thank you so any and all support!!!
Here is the link to go directly to my Tri for a Cure fundraising page to make your donation to the Maine Cancer Foundation to support cancer prevention, cancer patient support and cancer research...all 100% IN Maine! Thank YOU!!! If you would like to read about why I TRI, please keep reading.
After college, I spent years working and then volunteering for the Ronald McDonald House where I met incredible Maine families dealing with children with cancer. I was truly affected down to my core seeing the determination and strength of these families and their young beautiful children struck down with cancer in their youth. I was surrounded by it and, in an odd way, I knew I would have cancer someday as well. In December 1997, my dear dad was struck down with acute pancreatic cancer and died 22 days later. Then it was just TWO years later in 1999, that I heard those dreaded words "you have cancer" that I had been expecting and became a warrior for the Power of the PINK. As I turned the calendar to the year 2000, I had not a single female part left in/on my body. In a weird way, I was glad my father did not have to see or experience those next few years of my active treatment with so many ups and downs...as that would have surly killed him.
Now, some 25 years later, I have had a wild and wonderful ride meeting so many amazing cancer survivors along the way. I am truly blessed to still be here and feel this undeterred passion that we all we need to do everything in our power to stop cancer in its tracks!
So this gets me back around to the money.... our annual goal for the Tri for a Cure is $2 million....and we are already more than half way to that goal!!! These are critical funds that Maine Cancer Foundation needs to continue existing programs all over Maine. And remember that 100% of all funds raised stay 100% IN Maine!!!!
Please join me the fight against cancer by making a contribution today using this link: https://mainecancer.donordrive.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=donordrive.participant&participantID=36664
In return, I promise to put everything I’ve got into finishing strong! Thank you.
You can make a donation online here or send a check payable to Maine Cancer Foundation with a note that you would like a gift credited to my Tri for a Cure effort:
Maine Cancer Foundation
170 US Route 1, Suite 250
Falmouth Maine 04105
(207) 773-2533
Thank you and Healthy HUGS!
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