Support me in the fight against cancer!

I am once again blessed to be able to participate in this year’s 17th Annual Maine Cancer Foundation’s TRI for a CURE.  I am so grateful to be among the group of active, remaining triathletes who have completed all 17 triathlons. 

 Cancer touched our family in 2010, and as I have done every year, will be dedicating this race to my brother-in-law, Rob. Over the years, there have been many relatives and friends affected by cancer and each one fought their own individual battle against this deadly disease. I came to realize that each swim stroke, bike pedal and run stride was a weapon against this merciless enemy. 

 For the last 17 years, it has been my mission to raise as much money as possible for the Maine Cancer Foundation and to date, have raised over $60,000.  Last year, with your continued support, and for the first time in 16 years, I was a top ten fundraiser and held the desired spot on the “wall” before the race.  It was a proud moment knowing that I raised over $10,050, and that every dollar raised stays right here in Maine.  Cancer has no judgement, it does not care who you are, where you come from or how old you are.  My goal is to pass last year’s total and I NEED your help! 

 Please donate what you can, and I promise to swim, bike, and run as hard as I can. Cancer Tries, We Tri Harder!

With a grateful heart,

Katie K.

Every dollar counts! With your support, we can make a difference! Cancer tries but we TRI harder!
