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Kris Fielding

2024 Tri for a Cure LIVE

Support Me

Support the fight against cancer!

My inspiration and motivation. In loving memory of my mother-in-law, Diney, who passed away after a courageous battle with breast cancer in February 2021. She was a huge supporter of this event, understanding Maine Cancer Foundation's goal to support patients and their families, as well as in the need for the education and prevention of all cancers. Too many family members, dear friends and colleagues have been impacted by this unbiased disease and I will forever keep trying to making a difference in honor and memory of these warriors! 

This year I'll be participating in the 17th Annual Maine Cancer Foundation Tri for a Cure and am beyond grateful to be a part of this amazing event for the past 13 years. Maine Cancer Foundation is committed to reducing cancer incidence and mortality rates in Maine, with 100% of funds raised by the Foundation used to benefit the people of Maine through patient support programs, education and research. They lead a state-wide effort to foster and grow the most promising and effective cancer-fighting efforts to the people of Maine through a combination of grant-based financial support and coalition building. MCF serves as a hub for Maine's cancer community. Join us as we invest across the state to change the story of cancer in Maine.

Thank you for joining me in supporting MCF and ensuring that their efforts to increase screening and prevention rates continue while also providing critical funding for patient care.

Every dollar counts! Please consider a donation. Cancer tries but we TRI harder!
