Support me in the fight against cancer!

I am ready to swim, bike and run to support Maine Cancer Foundation in July 2024!  I'll be participating in the 17th Annual Maine Cancer Foundation Tri for a Cure. Maine Cancer Foundation is committed to reducing cancer incidence and mortality rates in Maine, with 100% of funds raised by the Foundation used to benefit the people of Maine.  

As we look to the 2024 Tri For A Cure, which will be my 9th, I look forward to the great physical challenge, as well as raising funds for a vital cause.  The Tri is something I can do in honor and memory of a special person - my Aunt Jane Hards.  In January 2018, my family lost an amazing person, but she continues to be my inspiration/motivation for taking on the Tri and finding a cure, to cancer.  My Aunt Jane Hards lived a really cool life - she spent time in Sierra Leone in the Peace Corps, loved her work as a physical therapist, had a beautiful singing voice and took my sister and I lots of adventures when we were kids.  She also lived for more than 13 years with stage 4 ovarian cancer - she received great care, support and participated in numerous clinical trials at Massachusetts General Hospital that enabled her to have those quality years of life.  As she always asked me to for the Tri, I will be wearing teal to raise awareness of ovarian cancer.

I miss my Aunt Jane greatly but want to continue to support the Maine Cancer Foundation in her honor.  Through watching her experiences, I learned about what many people go through with cancer, and I understand that more funding is needed for prevention, screening and research for cures and treatments. Raising money and taking on the swim, bike and run this summer are my opportunities to stand up to cancer and do something - any donations you can make will be greatly appreciated and will stay in Maine to make a difference.    

In addition to having a personal connection to cancer, I had the opportunity to serve on the Maine Cancer Foundation Board of Directors for several years.  It has been an honor to see how MCF uses the funds (100% stay in Maine) to support communities across Maine. During the pandemic, cancer has persisted. 1 in 3 Mainers will face a cancer diagnosis. But we have a chance to change that. It's more important than ever that we continue to provide support to patients statewide to ensure that everyone is able to access the best care possible. Thank you for joining me in supporting MCF and ensuring that their efforts to increase screening and prevention rates continue while also providing critical funding for patient care.

Please consider a donation today to support the Tri for a Cure, nothing is too small to help.  

Thanks so much.

Love, Sarah


Every dollar counts! With your support, we can make a difference! Cancer tries but we TRI harder!
