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Luanne Cameron

Team Captain Cameron 2024 Tri for a Cure LIVE

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Support me in the fight against cancer! (TEAM NAME this year CAMERON)

My journey is thankfully (🤪) going on 10 years with a breast cancer diagnosis (survivor) on my permanent medical record.  AND this is the FIRST Tri for a Cure that I no longer NEED to do the TRI for a Cure (TFC). I now do the TFC because I WANT to.  The TFC has pulled me forward on all fronts, physically, mentally and emotionally year after a year... BUT this year my health has finally stabilized to a point that I can truly have FUN with the TRI (My health journey below).  So I am teaming up with my Sister - in Law, Ellen Knight. Ellen, is a recent ovarian cancer survivor and an amazing swimmer.  She will complete the swim, I will do the bike and run (walk)! 

I am blessed to be a survivor and to have found my tribe of amazing STRONG women who TRI because they can! THEY unite together to build us each up no matter what their invisible battles that they face. They TRI for all different reasons. 

 I TRI because I know when I cross that finish line with this tribe of survivors I’m reminded how amazing our purpose to help make other’s cancer journey easier, just like my breast cancer survivor sisters did for me. I will cross that finish line with pride amongst my TRIBE of amazing cancer warrior women!!

For those who don’t know my story;

My unimageable health journey started when I heard those words "Luanne, you have breast cancer." (October 2014) Those words are still a challenge to type as I write this today, 8 years later.  It took me 6 months for me to actually even say the words....  â€śBreast Cancer!” 

surgeries later  I can tell you I have learned from my experiences. And I have learned how important it is to be the CEO of my body and I know I navigate the seas with an amazing team of medical professionals from Boston, Lewiston, Portland, Scarborough to Cape Elizabeth. I believe I visited more doctors than most given the combination of different health challenges my immune system has challenged me with. Fortunately my neurologist out of Boston Mass General has been amazing. And as you may or may not know they are using trial levels, small dosages of Narcan. Narcan is the same drug they help reverse an individual who’s has had an opioid overdose. The irony is they’re trying to use Narcan to beat the drug addiction challenges in the United States. I feel blessed to be a participant in that program. My experience and sharing it with a few of my physicians here in Portland have saved and helped a few of their patients already. VERY COOL!  I sometimes believe my illnesses combined with my voice are part of my bigger purpose for this time of my life journey. Please have your friends or family outreach to me directly if I can help in sharing my experience with the use of Narcan low-dose to help treat chronic pain, obviously then working directly with your internist.

I'll be participating in the 17th Annual Maine Cancer Foundation Tri for a Cure. Maine Cancer Foundation is committed to reducing cancer incidence and mortality rates in Maine, with 100% of funds raised by the Foundation used to benefit the people of Maine. They lead a state-wide effort to advance the most promising and effective cancer-fighting efforts available through a combination of grant-based financial support and coalition building. 

During the pandemic, cancer has persisted. 1 in 3 Mainers will face a cancer diagnosis. But we have a chance to change that. It's more important than ever that we continue to provide support to patients statewide to ensure that everyone is able to access the best care possible. Thank you for joining me in supporting MCF and ensuring that their efforts to increase screening and prevention rates continue while also providing critical funding for patient care.

Every dollar counts! Please consider a donation. Cancer tries but we TRI harder!
